Alumni Stories

Award to Golem Theatre

Golem Theatre Receives Award from the City of Budapest

The Golem Theatre and Jewish Centre for Performing Arts, led by Paideia alumnus András Borgula, has been honored with an award from the city of Budapest.

Péter Niedermüller, Mayor of Erzsébetváros, highlighted the significance of the theatre, stating, “The Golem team has received an award “For Budapest”, which is a recognition by the capital of what we here in Erzsébetváros have known for a long time: the company is an exemplary and high quality cultural institution. Golem is not only a theatre, but a cultural centre based on Jewish culture and art, an open and inclusive place that supports alternative and independent companies, thus giving space to diversity. In essence, the award recognises the great work that this theatre has done in recent years to create an open, inclusive, multicultural Budapest. I am proud that the Golem Theatre has found a home in our district, and I congratulate the company on this award”.

András Borgula developed The Golem Theatre in the Project-Incubator. The theatre – the only professional Jewish theater company in Hungary – was founded in 2005 by András Borgula who has been the artistic director since. Our warmest congratulations on the award!