Paideia Institute
Paideia, The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden is committed to revitalizing Jewish life and culture in Europe. Its educational programs train community leaders, academics, culture workers and social activists in the field of Jewish Studies. Central to Paideia’s approach is the learning of Jewish texts that are foundational to both Jewish heritage and modern Jewish civilization.
Paideia is pan-European, bringing participants from all of Europe together, promoting exchange and experience sharing. Paideia cooperates on an international level with academic, educational and cultural as well as social institutions with the aim to build sustainable networks and strong international ties.
Paideia provides pluralistic, non-denominational and inclusive activities. Its graduates are Jewish and non-Jewish and its programs are open to everybody interested in promoting Jewish life and culture, regardless of denomination or affiliation. Paideia encourages intercultural dialogue and a positive minority presence in Europe.
Paideia gives its graduates knowledge and tools for their further work in the communities and societies they live in. Paideia supports its graduates with follow-up programs, network activities and engages the graduates in a dialogue about Jewish life and culture in Europe.