The Paradigm Program is Paideia’s program concept for discussing big Jewish ideas and for creating new formats for approaching Judaism and Jewish identity. The concept exists since 2013 with the aim to facilitate the exploration of issues of Jewish community and identity in a world at once interconnected and fragmented. It brings American and European young thought-leaders together to interact with renowned contemporary Jewish thinkers.
From Text to Ideas
The Paradigm Program is a unique and innovative program concept introducing a new approach to understanding Jewish identity, asking important questions about identity, philosophy and society, and focusing on the tools needed to articulate them in multicultural settings.
Jewish communities across the globe are facing the challenges of pluralistic open societies and their attendant choices. With the introduction of this sophisticated new model of examining identity through ideas, the Paradigm Program provides a forum for exploring the essential questions of Jewish thought and culture, and how to articulate – to oneself and to others – an understanding of what it means to be, and remain, Jewish.
In the program, renowned contemporary Jewish thinkers expound on their individual perspectives and interactively explore together with participants the evolving nature of the conversation about Judaism in today’s open environments.
The model is based on 3 questions that encapsulate the essentials of exploring Jewish identity:
What ideas do you find most problematic in Judaism?
What ideas do you feel to be most compelling in Judaism?
What do you think Judaism can contribute to and learn from other cultures?
Paradigm Program’s concept is applied in various Paideia programs.
Course information
If you are interested in exploring the Paradigm Program’s concept for your organization or would like further information, please do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.
Contact us at info@paideia-eu.org